Miércoles, November 29th

Second blog by Sólveig Hjörleifsdóttir.

Hola amigos. 

Today we walked around Orihuela and visited a couple of museums in the city and a catholic church and we got to see their cathedral which is very beautiful. We visited the Miguel Hernandez museum and even his childhood home. I learned many new things about him and his life. After walking around the city and seeing all the beautiful things the city has to offer, we had some lunch at the university in Orihuela and then we had free time. Me and Ruben went home to chill as he likes to call it but this time of day is called siesta. Siesta is when the people in Spain take naps during the day. I also took a nap but then Ruben woke me up and we went to trumpet class together. After the trumpet class we went home and ate dinner which was very good. I am surprised how much food the Spanish people eat for dinner because its a lot of food. Then Juaqin and Óli and Nana and Jorge came to our house in Orihuela and we just sat in Ruben‘s garden and listened to music. I was the first to leave because I was tired and wanted to sleep. But that was all for today. Hasta luego!


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